Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In the begining

A long time ago, in a place far far away Jaime and I decided that we were ready for children. In August of 2003, Jaime put down the birth control pills and we started on this crazy journey called, trying to conceive or TTC as all the girls out there call it.. Don't worry I don't know many of the terms they use, but I am trying to decipher the code!

Month after month go by, no BFP (Big Fat Positive) as they say in the cool club. Scheduled "date" nights, make me feel like I should be punching in for the act, and I was just there to get her pregnant. Yes I was being used for sex and no, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Every month Jaime would cry as if the world had ended while I thought "OK, we can try some more!" however, I couldn't help but feel as if I had failed as a husband. Unable to give my wife the child we both wanted so much. Life wasn't the best.

A full year passes and still nothing. One year! What the hell was my problem? All my friends are getting their women knocked up and some of them didn't even try. We decided to give up on the scheduled nights and go with the flow, if it happens it happens.

I am a pretty good guy, it just didn't feel that way back then.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I made the jump..

I made the jump onto the "blogwagon" and started this glorious portal into my world.

Who am I? My name is Chris and I'm going insane, slowly over the next 9 months or so!

Why a blog? I wanted a place to share my side of THE story. You see, I am married to a great woman and we are crazy in love there is just one problem. We have been trying to have a child for years now with no luck! Big problem if you want children.

The point of this blog is to fill you in on the ups, downs, and sideways of trying to have a child when you can't seem to do it the old fashion way.

I am jumping into this blog thing in the middle of the story, So I will write up a time line as of now but I warn you, its been a while.

Check for it shortly