Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a test

Posted by ShoZu

Friday, September 19, 2008

back in the driver's seat

A few mods on the blog today, I put in a turbo charger, some of that jet fuel I have been saving, put the heavy foot on the peddle to the right, and the the left one got the gentle touch. With a flick of the wrist the beast went into gear with glee! I lift the left foot.

What a beautiful sound as the tires scream against the fresh pavement and my head presses against the seat. oh how i love this.

No more worries about what is in the mirror, it can't catch me anyway!

that being said.. I am pushing the rest of my posts into the "this is whats going on now" field, as I don't want to spend my days thinking of all the things we have gone through to get to this point. On to that checkered flag!

I'll be posting on a more regular basis.. no really, I will.