Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday blah!

So it's Monday..

One more week down, another step closer to march, another day closer to finding out how truely unprepaird for the real world I am!

Today I brought a fantastic, money saving soup in a can to work.. Perfect, minus one detail

I forgot the bowl!

This may not seem like a big deal as far as lunch errors go but, what other important things in life can go wrong by just forgetting one part of the whole??

Getting the baby dressed, loading up the diaper bag, locking the carseat down tighter than fort Knox, driving to your destination with care, and guess what.. Ya left the kid home.. But I only forgot one thing!!

Making a pizza and finding out you left the crust on the counter.. What a mess you made!

Monday.. I'm excited for your return.. I'm excited to see what else I forget next week!

Peace, love, and lots of sleep - till next time I'm out.

Posted by ShoZu

1 comment:

cjsayers77 said...

I just want you to know I love you! And I don't think you'll ever forget the baby... more like the diapers! ;)