Thursday, October 30, 2008


Thursday, so close to the weekend but not close enough

I have a small addiction to smarties, the candy. Being the end of October there is a holiday dentists created to boost end of year sales known as Halloween! This may be my favorite holiday ever not because of all the kids running around not paying attention to traffic its not even really the candy, its the fact that I love GORE!

I am a fan of bloody horror movies. Cheap acting, bad editing, nor bad camera work can ruin a movie with top rated visual gore effects! Spend your entire budget on making 32,000 gallons of fake blood and flesh.. and i am sure you can come with something that will make me want to watch it... even if its a 3 minute youtube clip!

ahh.. I got off the topic of the smarties! I managed to gather a few rolls of these gems and opened them up and poured the candy goods all over my desk and started pulling out the colors and making some nice piles.

what did i find out? there are very little purple and "orange" smarties in a pack. maybe one or two if your lucky.  I think the coloring may cost more money than the rest. Keeping that in mind (that coloring may cost more, so the colored smarties may cost more each to create)  yellow, green and "red" all have about the same number of pieces on average. what color was left?

WHITE, the color that has no coloring. almost three times the number of white smarties in a pack than any other color! I know smarties aren't very costly, but I also know that every penny matters! you think you get a fair even number of colors in your smarties ... nooooo. 

back to the gore, i find it may be nice to share with you all, the most important thing I know

Fake Blood

1/2 c. Warm Water

4 Tbsp Corn Syrup

1 Tbsp Powdered Cocoa

1 tsp Red Food Coloring


you just mix the water and cocoa together and then add the rest of the stuff in. Let the concoction sit for awhile and skim the bubbles off of the top. Add a couple of drops of yellow food coloring if you're not satisfied.

it looks freaking great, tastes pretty good, and dries like real blood if you want to splatter it on a pair of overalls and walk around with a giant wrench it will work well!!

1 comment:

cjsayers77 said...

Stay out of the candy!!! It's for the trick or treaters!!!

I gave you an award but you have to go to my website to see what it's all about! It's girly and fun, but hey, welcome to my world of blogging!